“Guru Bramha Guru Vishnu Guru Devo Maheshwara,
Guru Sakshat Param Brahma, Tasmai Sri Gurave Namah”
Guru Sakshat Param Brahma, Tasmai Sri Gurave Namah”
Means, the position of a Thu is on paramount. Even the Thu comes before the parents. No body can take his place.Thu of Thus ‘Ashutosh Ji Maharaj, their glory is peerless. Ashutosh Ji Maharaj tells us about to way to god. They never became a sinner and fills sorrow who comes under his shelter. People know him as an angel. In his under guidance, all your difficulties are over and man fined the heaven after death.
His main aim to spread Honesty, gentility and way to god over the entire world. Ashutosh Ji Maharaj teaches us the art of living. It is art, by which any one can know about the true meaning of life, became optimistic and enjoy their life.
Now day’s people get involved in different dreadful activities this physical world. They wander here and there for compote and live issue. All the pains and sorrow gets disappear under the shelter of Ashutosh Ji Mah
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“साधना आन्तरिक तौर पर मन को स्वच्छ करती है | जिस तरह मन के लिए दुनिया है, आत्मा के लिए साधना है | मन के लिए भोजन है, आत्मा के लिए परमार्थ का नाम है |”
ReplyDeleteजीवन साधना ( meditation) को जगह देना, और नियमति रूप से मन को भगवान् की ओर ले जाना,हर मनुष्य-आत्मा के लिए उतना ही ज़रूरी है जिनता की एक मनुष्य-मन के लिए भोजन करना |
साधना आन्तरिक तौर पर आपके मन को पवित्र करती है, और मन में भीतर वह सकारात्मक ताकत प्रदान करती है जिससे आप हर तरह के चिंतन को मन के भीतर ही दफना देते है, और उसी लम्हे से एक नयी और सकारात्मक उर्जा की शुरवात करते है |
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